The Camp Flying Eagle program was designed to embed a pattern of success in young minds, knowing that patterns created in childhood repeat themselves throughout our lives. The experience of success, the memory of success and the emotion of success all change our way of thinking. Having experienced it once, our thoughts turn to its re-creation, to doing it again, to re-experiencing the thoughts and emotions that fill us when we succeed. By helping children experience success, we help them create a mental pattern of success.

This is the real secret of success—that we attract what we think about. Good or bad, when you type a thought into the Google search bar of your mind, it will bring you more of the same. Good or bad. That means you’ll want to start now to envision the future you want to see and not the past you didn’t like. And then carry that positive vision to the children around you.

The following resources are tools to help you do that for the children you love and for you, too. Many of them we have tried ourselves, some have been recommended by others and some are links to more information.



Search over 2,400 ACA Accredited camps.




Search over 2,400 ACA Accredited camps.





High quality camping programs for children and teens. “Our programs focus on helping campers develop the skills that are necessary for them to have great success in life. We believe our programs help children gain confidence, make great friends, teach lifelong skills and further their maturity. All of our programs place a strong emphasis on skill building, team building and personal growth. Whether your child registers for our traditional Mystic Experience program (ages 7-14) or opts for one of our many specialty camps, (such as Fishing, Horseback Riding, Teen Adventure, etc.), we believe you will find comfort in knowing they are safe and having fun!”



Tanuga is deeply committed to the philosophy of a traditional camping experience. Values, as depicted by our respect for nature, the environment, and the development of accepting others for who they are, stand out in our mission. Our objective for each camper is to build self-confidence, develop a cohesive family feeling and create the assurance of belonging. The sense of accomplishment and confidence that develop each summer carry over throughout the year into the campers’ classrooms, future relationships, and during periods of difficult transitions into adulthood.



Today, the focus on non-competitive learning environments, the freedom to choose your daily journeys, and opportunities for participants to discover friends, themselves, and the world around them endures with adaptive programming strategies to meet the needs of kids in the 21st century. Crystalaire continues in the spirit of adventure-based alternative education, as it has for almost a century. Through boating, backpacking, biking and more, we help campers foster a sense of belonging to the rest of the world and gain the skills necessary to change strangers into friends. Our expeditions are built around community involvement: every trip participant is included in planning and preparation for the trip, deciding activities, leading discussions and carrying out the daily work of out-of-door living. Wherever possible, this includes decision making about routes and directions, meals and more



Founded in 1959, Walden is a coed overnight camp for campers entering 2nd grade through 11th grade. We’re in the Northern Michigan’s Lower Peninsula on a pristine 150 acres outside the city of Cheboygan. Walden stretches along Long Lake, a clear, spring- fed body of water, and camp’s terrain ranges from lush meadows to old-growth forests. As a family-owned, traditional summer camp, we offer a diverse range of activities from land and water sports to horseback riding; from rockets and radio to the visual and performing arts. Walden campers roast marshmallows, sing silly songs, star-gaze and drink “bug juice”! And they also do less-traditional camp stuff, like mountain biking, gardening and yoga. Kids choose their own activity program and, with the guidance of a fun, committed and highly professional staff, find out what it’s like to be “on their own” for part of the summer.



Camp Hayo-Went-Ha has 110 years of tradition and experience to provide incredible adventures campers remember for a lifetime. Our camp motto, Each for All…All for Each is evident in all we do. Boys learn to work together, to support each other and to respect what each member of the cabin has to offer. The wonderful variety of camp trips reinforce the value of teamwork all the while learning to appreciate the beauty that surrounds you. We also offer Challenge Programs. Campers can climb a 50-foot tower with six routes, a 36-foot high ropes course, and a 28-foot pamper pole along with a freestanding zip line and team vertical elements. Discover SCUBA lessons are available for every camper.”


The Work

Sometimes as adults we are not as positive and helpful as we might be with the children around us. Often we react to things in our own past with beliefs that really don’t fit the situation. Here is an easy, free and amazingly effective way to uncover and examine those beliefs. On the website, look for the link to “Resources.” Open or download the “Judge Your Neighbor” worksheet and the “One Belief at a Time” worksheet. Fill in the name of a child or adult who is really driving you nuts and follow the simple directions. You can also watch videos of others going through the exercise.

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The Nature of Personal Reality: A Seth Book

by Jane Roberts

Click here to get started

The Bible

Regardless of which version one reads, the message of the Resurrection calls us to faith. The strong emphasis on family and caring for one another is the foundation of our desire to give our children the tools and experiences that will enrich their lives and lead to success.

A Course In Miracles

Christian in the terms used, but universal in its application, this treatise suggests that what we think creates the world we see and experience. It also includes 365 lessons to follow, one for each day of the year. We recommend the Circle of Atonement edition as it is the most complete and easy to understand.

The Silva Method

We first learned this method of accessing inner awareness in the 1970s from reading a book, but classes are also available. It works. “Enriching the planet by empowering the individual. A better you…A better world!”

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Deliberate Receiving

by Melody Fletcher
A step-by-step approach that clearly explains exactly HOW to manifest the reality you wish to live in.

The Power of Awareness

a classic by Neville Goddard

Transcending The Maya Matrix Using The Seven Simple Steps

Our Innate Guide to Co-Creation and Self-Realization: by Omar M. Makram. How to uncover the personal “GPS system” within you that leads to manifesting a life you love.

As A Man Thinketh

a classic by James Allen

Think and Grow Rich

the classic by Napoleon Hill

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